‘Compelling . . . Sparks has a beautifully natural vvay of portraying a complicated and intense love story. The Rescue is another example of his imagination and skill’
South China Moming Post
‘A romantic page-tumer . . . Sparks fans vvon’t be disappointed’
Glamour magazine
‘The storyline is extremely povverful . . . Nicholas Sparks’ tale is must reading for those fans that cherish a deep-rooted love story’
A WALK TO REMEMBER ‘Every novv and then you stumble across an extraordinary book that at first appears like counüess others - unremarkable and easy to overlook. But then you read it and are amazed at the treasure hidden vvithin, and a bit disconcerted by hovv easily you could have missed it forever. Nicholas Sparks’ A Walk to Remember is such a book’ New York Sunday Post
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE ‘A deeply moving, beautifully vvritten, and extremely romantic love story . . . Sparks’ tale about the obstacles people face in second relationships is sensitive, vvonderfully bittersvveet, and ultimately hopeful’
THE NOTEBOOK ‘I cannot remember a more simple novel, yet The Notebook is achingly moving and will have you vveeping for the joy and tragedy of it ali . . . Please read it’
Daily Mail