Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Kuzey Kampüs Kuzey Park Binası
Kat:1 Oda No:114
34342 Bebek / İstanbul
Telefonlarımız :
+90 212 359 76 59
+90 212 359 75 38
Whatsapp Hattı (Sadece mesaj): +90 539 308 95 77
Assistive Technology and Education Laboratory for Individuals with Visual Disabilities (GETEM)
Assistive Technology and Education Laboratory for Individuals with Visual Disabilities (shortly GETEM in Turkish) at the University of Bogazici is operating under the University Disability Center and is supported by University of Bogazici and outside donors. GETEM has been providing free assistive technology services for our university students with disabilities (totalling 22 students) and free online digital library services for individuals with visual disabilities in Turkey since 2006. The digital library project is aimed to reach nearly 400,000 individuals with visual disabilities as well as other types of disabilities including individuals with cerebral palsy and individuals with reading disabilities in Turkey. The services within the digital library project is also carried out by municipalities, NGOs and universities in Turkey.
Our digital library includes Turkish and English materials. Apart from stories, novels and poems, teaching materials including books, articles, class notes and lessons, conference records are also provided digitally. Those materials (totalling 7,500 audio books) are either in human voice or in computer voice. And those materials are being able to listened by special programs or being able to read by refreshable braille displays which turns the electronic text on the computer screen into braille simultaneously.
For more information, please visit us at
Bogazici University
GETEM, North Campus, North Park Building 2nd Floor, Bebek 34342
Tel:+90 212 3597538
+90 212 3597659
Pt, 05/09/2016 - 16:52
Kalıcı bağlantı
kadir özköse nin tasavvuf ve gönül eğitimi adlı kitabı eksik kaydedilmiş düzeltebilir misiniz ? dikkate alacağınızı alarak şimdiden teşekkür ederim
Fatma Koç
Pt, 02/10/2017 - 10:50
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merhaba sizden bir konuda
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erhan özyapı
Sa, 07/03/2023 - 22:28
Kalıcı bağlantı
şeker portakalı
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